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APS Systems: Aerobic Protein Stabilizing System

APS Overview

Deutrel Industries is on the leading edge of technology with the development of the APS SYSTEM.

The APS SYSTEM is ecologically and environmentally safe, diverse and able to solve most waste management problems including animal waste (such as pig manures), municipal and industrial waste water treatment facilities that suffer from an accumulation of sludge or solids (free of heavy metals), and food processing facilities that are not capable of meeting government requirements for waste management.

The APS SYSTEM is able to convert waste from any of these undesirable and problematic conditions, into a usable and saleable liquid organic fertilizer or feed!

The APS SYSTEM is a unique process that utilizes a recently developed biotechnology to biologically convert waste material into a liquid. The resulting liquid may be formulated with other specific nutrients to form a balanced or specialized organic fertilizer or reconstituted by drying.

The APS SYSTEM utilizes enzymes produced by the specialized bacterial culture as well as other biochemical, physical, and thermodynamic fundamental principals to convert waste (even with bones) into a liquid for use in a liquid organic fertilizer concentrate or feed protein hydrolysate concentrate. Heat is generated by the thermophilic bacteria to raise the temperature beyond pasteurization temperatures, therefore, all disease producing organisms are destroyed. The heat generating process is cost effective as most of the heat is provided by the biochemical activity in the reactors. Finally, the hydrolysate is sterilized to provide a completely stable product.

The final protein concentrate generated by the APS SYSTEM is used as a high protein source in the liquid organic fertilizer. These products feature a number of additional benefits in addition to the excellent plant food nutrient value. Soil essentials, including enzymes, vitamins, lipoproteins, free amino acids, free fatty acids and minerals are replaced in soils that have been depleted from the use of chemical fertilizers. Another reported benefit is the reduction or elimination of most pests from both insect and animal origin.

This APS conversion plant is ideally situated in the fish cannery section of one of the largest fishing ports, Ensenada Mexico.

When processing waste into usable fertilizer utilizing the APS SYSTEM, four very important items are addressed:
  1. PROCESSING SPEED - The APS SYSTEM will convert solid waste into valuable liquid organic fertilizer within a 30 hr time frame.
  2. ODOR REMOVAL - The APS SYSTEM will eliminate almost all odors associated with processing.
  3. PATHOGENIC ORGANISM REMOVAL - The APS SYSTEM will remove all pathogenic organisms.
  4. COST EFFECTIVE - The APS SYSTEM can produce valuable liquid fertilizer for as little as $2.45 US a gallon.
APS SYSTEM configuration can be designed custom to process 3 to 200 tons of waste a day.

The APS SYSTEM process is so effective with waste odor removal that the end product will be almost odor free*! There will be some odor at the onset on the first stage of the process, but will gradually diminish and be virtually eliminated by the final stage of the process.

The APS SYSTEM process works several ways to remove the pathogenic organisms, while retaining the beneficial organisms for the eventual conversion to a liquid organic fertilizer. The APS SYSTEM process is similar to homogenizing and pasteurization by accelerating the bacteria growth, adding oxygen without the use of costly pumps, maintaining proper temperatures for digestion, and the use of pH to stabilize any expansion.


The APS SYSTEM process requires adding a small amounts of very cost effective products from the OPEN ALL family, to the raw waste materials to produce valuable organic fertilizers. After the initial start up investment, the only cost incurred will be normal maintenance of the APS SYSTEM, nominal wages for personnel, and modest utility costs! The APS SYSTEM waste management process is the most cost effective tool found in the marketplace today.


Natural Solutions

Our planet is dealing with very important issues.

With the rise of starvation, soil contamination and industrial and agricultural waste, there must be immediate solutions for these problems. Read More