FORMULA 731 was prepared with the specific objective to enhance the natural environmental process of waste degradation and elimination.

Formula 731 (Sewage Waste Water Treatment) has been utlilized by Deutrel Industries, Inc. for over 25 years. It is a non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-pathogenic ready to use bio-enzymatic formula containing selected bacterial strains, microbial enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and natural surfactants specifically designed to promote accelerated decomposition of organic wastes, reduce odors and reduce the disease factors from domestic sewage wastewater ponds. Activity in the form of increased bubbling of surface water, due to increased microbial digestion in the wastewater pond, is usually observable within 7 days from the time of the first inoculation of Formula 731.

Formula 731 digests the more difficult compounds that are usually toxic to indigenous bacteria in wastewater lagoons and helps provide a more rapid breakdown of fats, oils, proteins, starches, and other decaying and putrefying organic solids. Formula 731 augments the indigenous bacteria with enzymes and bacteria combined with nutrients that help to rapidly dissolve and digest fibrous materials and old accumulated solids while discouraging flies and mosquitoes from laying eggs in the treated wastewater.

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A biological solution to a biological problem.

While most companies continue to search for a mechanical solution for biological waste problems, our goal at Deutrel Industries is to provide a biological solution to a biological problem.

FORMULA 731 has been formulated as a free standing solution, or used
in combination to enhance an engineered mechanical solution. Product testing in Asia and in America conclusively demonstrates that almost ALL chemicals were eliminated, including polymers. Up to 55% sludge reduction was obtained and the BOD levels reduced up to 95%.